Confessions of a Media Arts Scholar in an Urban Data Landscape

Dr. Jeneen Naji Department of Media Studies, Maynooth University   Collaborations are at the core of humanities-led research, and as such as a digital poet practitioner/researcher I threw myself willingly into a collaboration with Geographers to apply for and work on Building City Dashboards a Science Foundation Ireland €1.8 million funded research project. The increasing urbanisation and digitisation of the human experience has resulted in a) lots of cities b) lots of data about cities.

Visiting positions, Building City Dashboards/Programmable City projects at Maynooth University

We are pleased to announce five visiting positions to Maynooth University to work with the Programmable City and/or Building City Dashboards research teams located in the MU Social Sciences Institute and the National Centre for Geocomputation. We are particularly keen to host visitors with an expertise in urban data, data visualisation, augmented/virtual reality, media art and installations, and spatial analytics/modelling, either from a social theory or applied/technical perspective. It is anticipated that visitors would be