11th Annual Irish Human-Computer Interaction Conference.

iHCI Conference, 17.11.2017 | University College Dublin. Following the ISU International Conference in November, Dr Gareth Young and Liam O’Sullivan attended the 11th Annual Irish Human-Computer Interaction Conference, held at the Global Lounge, University College Dublin (UCD).   ihci2017.wordpress.com/   This one-day ACM SIGCHI conference featured research from the field of Human-Computer Interaction; specifically showcasing researchers based in Ireland. The symposium featured three keynote talks from international leaders in HCI research. The opening keynote, “Multitasking

Institute of Sustainable Urbanism Talks #05: Future Cities

Institute of Sustainable Urbanism Talks #05: Future Cities ISU International Conference, 14.11.2017 | Architekturpavillon at TU Braunschweig. Last month Dr Gareth Young attended and presented at the ISU international conference “ISU Talks #05: Future Cities”. The Future Cities conference took place at TU Braunschweig, Germany, on November 14th, and was hosted by the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism. The conference was created to explore the potential challenges that exist for contemporary urbanism in a world that

Open Call for Data/Media Art Proposals, Building City Dashboards, Maynooth University (Now Closed!)

We are pleased to announce an open artist call to work with the Building City Dashboards research team located in the MU Social Sciences Institute and the National Centre for Geocomputation.   We invite artists to create a digital artwork using open data from the Dublin and or Cork dashboards (http://www.dublindashboard.ie/and http://www.corkdashboard.ie). The goal is to explore and expand multimodal creative expression in the digital space using open urban data and to extend the work

Urban Data and Media Art Seminar: August 28th, 2017.

A seminar to explore existing and potential modes and methodologies of creative data visualisation both of and in the city. The Building City Dashboards Project is pleased to announce that it will be hosting its first research seminar: Urban Data and Media Art. The seminar will take place on the 28th of August, 2017, in Room 2.31, Iontas Building, North Campus, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Kildare. You are invited to register for attend the event (for free) on

Conference Attendance: New Interfaces for Musical Expression.

Organised by the Sound and Music Computing Group, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark, 15 – 19 May 2017. Attended by Dr Gareth W. Young. New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) is a highly respected, international conference dedicated to academic research applied in the development of creative technologies and the role of this technology in artistic practices. NIME began in 2001 as a workshop at the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Conference on Human Factors in Computing

Conference Attendance: Other Codes

The first Galway Digital Cultures Initiative conference at the Moore Institute, NUI Galway, 11 – 12 May 2017. Attended by Dr Jeneen Naji and Dr Gareth W. Young. The Other Codes: Digital Literatures in Context conference was a two-day event that took place in Galway on the 11-12 May 2017. It was the first ever Digital Cultures Initiative conference and was hosted by the Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social Studies at NUI Galway. The conference was funded through the Irish Research Council and the European Commission via the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions grant. The keynotes were delivered by: Sandy