We are pleased to announce five visiting positions to Maynooth University to work with the Programmable City and/or Building City Dashboards research teams located in the MU Social Sciences Institute and the National Centre for Geocomputation. We are particularly keen to host visitors with an expertise in urban data, data visualisation, augmented/virtual reality, media art and installations, and spatial analytics/modelling, either from a social theory or applied/technical perspective.
It is anticipated that visitors would be based in Maynooth for two to four weeks and would present a seminar and discuss their work with Maynooth scholars, and also explore potential future collaborations with respect to research, funding applications, publications, events, and student exchanges.
All visits must take place by the end of July 2018. The maximum value for costs for each visitor is €3,000 (to include travel, accommodation, subsistence, but not salary) payable for receipted expenses. Any costs associated with the visit beyond €3,000 will need to be met by the visitor.
To apply, please send an expression of interest that details your relevant expertise and reasons for wanting to visit, along with a CV and prospective dates of visit to Rob.Kitchin@mu.ie, with the subject line ‘Visiting position MU’. Queries about the positions can also be sent to the same email address. Closing date: 24th September 2017
These visiting posts are funded by Science Foundation Ireland as part of a supplemental grant to Prof. Rob Kitchin’s European Research Council funded Programmable City project. The Building City Dashboard project is also funded by Science Foundation Ireland.
More information about the Building City Dashboards project can be found at https://dashboards.maynoothuniversity.ie/ @dashbuild https://www.facebook.com/bcdmu/
The Dublin Dashboard, developed by both projects, and presently being redeveloped is at http://www.dublindashboard.ie/ @dublindashboard
More information about the Programmable City project can be found at http://progcity.maynoothuniversity.ie/ @progcity
Between the two projects there are presently four PIs (Prof. Chris Brunsdon, Prof. Rob Kitchin, Martin Charlton, Dr. Jeneen Naji), 11 postdocs and 8 PhD students. Project partners include Ordnance Survey Ireland, Central Statistics Office, Smart Dublin, and Smart Cork Gateway.