The Building City Dashboard’s team is excited to officially launch the Cork Dashboard on Friday December 15th in Cork. The Cork Dashboard will be the first major output from the Science Foundation Ireland funded project based here in the National Centre for Geocomputation, Maynooth University. Over the past year, we have been working alongside our partners in Cork Smart Gateway, Cork County Council and Cork City Council to gather static and real-time datasets for the region.
The Cork Dashboard provides citizens, businesses and local authorities access to an interactive and accessible website to view and query real-time and time-series information about the city and region. The information is displayed via graphs, maps and infographics and includes data related to traffic, travel, weather, services, housing, education, health and employment, and other aspects of everyday life. Real-time datasets include weather, water levels, pollution levels, car parking, bike stations and CCTV.
The data is sourced from multiple agencies including the Central Statistics Office, Met Eireann, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, Failte Ireland, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, Department of Health, Department of Education and Skills and the Road Safety Authority.
For the Cork citizen the launch of the Cork Dashboard is an important online tool that is available for everyone to explore and discover what is happening in the city and county. For policy makers, planners, local authority staff and politicians it provides detailed information and analytic tools in a single site to inform evidence-led service delivery to track the effectiveness of existing policy and operations. Importantly, users do not need to know how to handle and process data or how to create graphs or maps, the site does this for them. Those who want to access the datasets to undertake their own analysis can do so.
The official launch of the Cork Dashboard is free and open to members of the public, to attend please register via Eventbrite here.
Look forward to seeing how this turns out. Clearly a good idea if there is enough engagement.